Thursday 10 January 2013


/////////////////////SWAMI VVKNNDA 150 YRS

/////////////////////////LNDN TUBE 150 YRS

/////////////////////////// British East India Company (1600-1874). Nick Robins shows how the East India Company pioneered the model of the corporation that we see today

/////////////////////////////////Hawking isn’t just issuing remote commands and expressed desires, his entire body and even his entire identity have become the property of a collective human-machine network. He is what I call a distributed centered-subject: a brain in a vat, living through the world outside the vat"

/////////////////////////////////he is more “incorporated” than any other scientist, let alone human being. He is delegated across numerous other bodies: technicians, students, assistants, and of course, machines. Hawking’s “genius,” far from being the product of his mind alone, is in fact profoundly located, material, and collective in nature.

//////////////////////////////KNOWLEDGE IS PAIN

//////////////////////////Hawking is, to borrow from Obi-Wan, “more machine now than man.”

//////////////////////////////man, mind, machine, singularity

////////////////////////////LISTEN AND SILENT ARE ANAGRAMS

//////////////////////////////////Space-time is smooth rather than foamy, a new study suggests, scoring a possible victory for Einstein over some quantum theorists who came after him.


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