Monday 28 January 2013


///////////////////// EMLA cream for minimizing pain during venipuncture could be recommended for premature infants.

//////////////////Just because a trait evolved does not make it good or bad. Evolution itself is impersonal and morally neutral.  It is up to us to provide deliberate values into the blind shuffle of evolutionary selection. An evolutionary scientific understanding provides greater wisdom into health and illness. Even in this world of technological marvels, the “history and physical” (H&P) is often emphasized as a physician’s most valued diagnostic strategy. In essence, evolution is history. With an evolutionary perspective, the “H” in “H&P” can be understood and appreciated at a deeper level.

////////////////Zoso Royo died on the fifth day of the sixth month, 1276, at 84:
I pondered Buddha's teaching
a full four and eighty years.
The gates are all now
locked about me.
No one was ever here -
Who then is he about to die,
and why lament for nothing?
The night is clear,
the moon shines calmly,
the wind in the pines
is like a lyre's song.
With no I and no other
who hears the sound?


//////////////////////////////death poem of Basho, one of the greatest haiku poets of all time:
On a journey, ill;
my dream goes wandering
over withered fields.


//////////////////////////SELF , COMPARISON AND CONCEIT

///////////////////////////////LINCOLN=I don't like that man. I must get to know him better.

///////////////////////////////“More important than the quest for certainty is the quest for clarity.” ~Francois Gautier

////////////////////////////HEALTHY PSYCHOLOGICAL SENSE OF SELF

///////////////////////////GRASPING SELF A S A WIND DRAG


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