Saturday 31 October 2020




It is important to remember that patterns don’t have to repeat themselves. Through remaining in the present, we can let go of the past and the future—the headquarters of our fears.

—Lama Tsony, “Facing Fear”



"I have seen the movement of the sinews of the sky, And the blood coursing in the veins of the moon."



"I base most of my fashion taste on what doesn't itch."


PSYD Being a non-conformist is a sign of high IQ, research finds.

It means that people with higher intelligence are less likely to follow others.


Most of the time, we think we are our thoughts. We forget, or have never noticed, that there's an aspect of our mind that's watching these thoughts arise and pass away... Sometimes I ask my student to imagine each thought as a visitor knocking at the door of their house. The thoughts don't live there; you greet them, acknowledge them, and watch them go.~ Sharon Salzberg


“All modern music owes everything to Bach.”
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov


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